Friday, March 29, 2013

Environment concept

This painting is not done yet ,but I felt like I should post something on my blog today since it's been a while. This is another painting for series of environment+vehicle I am working on. This was a class assignment and we had to make a vignette based on whatever we want to work on. 
 sketches are done in very small size

refined sketches in photoshop
Hopefully I am going to post my final one soon.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Book trailer project- 04

Last week, I went over to the shooting place and helped making props for the set. The Weather was cold but everyone was eager to work on the project so, it was nice to be in the team and take a part in the project. Beside all the minor works, I mainly worked on building two trees with rose: one for Snow White and one for Rose Red.   

Thanks to Emily and Alexis who must have spent a lot of time making these flowers. 

We could find a pair of giant tree branches around the location, and we put these hand made roses on using thick brown thread. It was a time and energy consuming task but, I had assistance people who helped me out, so we could make it on time.

Plus, I finally got chance to take pictures of my swords.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trying something new

An environment+vehicle design based on sketches. I am enjoying making this kind of illustration recently. More to come up.

Book trailer project- 03

This week, there was a person needed to work on sword design, so I was chosen to work on this. Until I got the pictures of sword we were going to use I had no idea what to do, so I made some random sketches of swords researching. 

When I got a pictures for the swords, we received a bad news. Originally, we were going to use swords above, but the location we are shooting video had a strict policy and we are not allowed to bring model sword. Therefore, we had to make swords from scratch.

We had to make four swords in one day, so it had to be done very fast. This is the very quick planar figure of the swords. We decided to use thin wooden sticks and fabrics.

We bought numbers of wooden rulers from Lowes and cut them into simple sword shapes in wood shop. Then put them together with wood glue and wrapped fabrics around the hilt. For the blade, we wanted to put details, so I came up with an idea of using glue gun to make decorations.

I will post final image of the swords as soon as I get the pictures from the team.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book trailer project- 02

This week, since our group is still deciding on costumes and decorations,I did free concept sketches for Snow White and Rose Red just to visualize images of two princess I had in mind. 

According to the story I read, Snow White is a calm and quite character, unlike Rose Red. I made her look less active since she is not in the action all the time. She is the type that look after other people

I wanted to make Rose Red look more active and confident. She is younger than Snow White and she is fearless and does many crazy things therefore she must me looked after by Snow White. I also tried to make her feel less mature than Snow White because I want to see their contrasting but not conflicting personalities just by looking at them. I put her costume in all red tone since red is a very vivid color, which shows her self confidence and it also stands for her name Red Rose

Sketches I did for logo designs