Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog web servey

George Hull

- you can easily see the works and projects he contributed. You can click each post, which leads you to the works he had done for that particular project.
- website is clean and easy to navigate
- his works include props/rough sketches and the final artworks, therefore you can see the process.
-  logo design goes well with his style of artwork
- uses its own domain
- the first blog page does not say his occupations
- may be to many texts on the left side of the blog, little hard to find his resume.

Ben Mauro

- clean, and white back ground. you can directly see the projects he worked for.
- it's easy to navigate his contacts, blog, and so on.
- unique typo/logo design.
- each projects' image leads you to the process, which includes descriptions, videos and images.
- uses its own domain

Sergey Kolesov

- clean, grey background
- images on the first page leads to the illustrations he did.
- shows the process thorughly
- a blog format
- no mention of his occupations on the first page

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

U.S. President project

An in-class project. Tying to do an environment design in a short period time gave me an headache. I just hope I had a little bit more of time since this piece seems to miss a lot of details. I thinking to go back and  smoothen out some areas.

Monday, September 9, 2013

work in progress

one of the llustrations i have been working on. still on progress